Google I/O 2018 Day 2
by Juvar Abrera
It’s a new day! Time to explore all the booths and other stuff around.
First thing I saw here was the Lego board. I remembered building Stan, the Google Chrome dinosaur, last year and then I saw this dinosaur on the board.
First tent I visited was the AI Experiments by Google. I saw lots of cool and awesome experiments built with Google technologies. The first one was this AI that creates it own music. This was also the one that played before the keynote started.
The next one was called Teachable Machine where you place your hands where the camera can detect it and teach the AI to do moves when your hands do sorts of signs like your fists closed, pointing finger, etc.
Another one I find interesting is the Move Mirror where an AI detects the pose of your body and finds an image that’s similar to your pose. That’s me on the right.
Wanna learn morse code? Google has provided a way for you to learn morse code faster and more fun on your smart phone with an app called Hello Morse. You can also try it out on your G Board. In the tent, they have this demo where there is a phone and two physical buttons for dot and long-dot in morse code. The app will teach you on how to write morse code letter by letter.
I also dropped by the AI and Machine Learning tent and, frankly, I’m amazed with the demos but I have no idea about it. Here, I am able to see the TPUs version 1 to 3 in person!
Next, I went to the Web and Google Pay tent where I met different Googlers that works on Angular, Polymer, PWA, and AMP. I learned a lot from them like PWA will be able to run natively on ChromeOS. Though ChromeOS isn’t that popular in the Philippines, they said that they’re working on something other than ChromeOS like Windows maybe? I’m excited what’s going to happen next.
I also talked to one of the Actions on Google developers where he showed me a demo for Transactions API for the Google Assistant and I’m excited to learn more and try it outsoon. With that, I bought (not really) a Google cookie with a heart design in it via the Google Assistant.
Time to eat! With different options offered, they had me at STEAK.
The last tent I visited was the Cloud, Firebase and Flutter tent. I found two things very interesting.
The first one was this demo called “Around the world in…”. So basically, they will took a photo of you, upload it and send it to multiple Google data centers around the world in 4 something seconds. Then, they’ll have your photo printed out with different stamps from around the world!
Another thing that’s interesting is the “Project Panoptes” where you can build your own telescope and discover new planets.I asked them if they can name it after you but it’s NASA who will be naming the planet you will be discovering but still pretty cool. One planet named “51 Pegasi b” was discovered using the telescope.
So I went to different technologies but it wouldn’t be complete without self-driving cars by Waymo.
As I’m walking going to the community lounge, I saw this.
At the community lounge, we had a small meetup with Dan Franc about Google Developer Groups Program with other GDGs, GBGs, WTMs, and those who are interested to be part of the program.
There’s also this Google Developer logo where the community can place a ribbon and you should write an answer to the question, “What works better in tech?”, and I wrote “Bayanihan.” Woohoo!
I hope you enjoyed reading my experience! Stay tuned for the last day, Day 3, tomorrow!